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Boston Light Cameras, etc.

Robert F Thomas | Published on 7/20/2023



Two new CDR’s were introduced.


The CG, with support from the National Park Service and the Hull Lifesaving Museum (providing the link), is establishing four external cameras on Boston light to provide boaters with real time information on sea state, etc. It is expected that the URL will be up and running in abut a month. The first camera is being tested this week.


A fifth camera is being installed inside the light to provide real time information to the CG when troubleshooting light operation.


The ACOE has approved the proposed General Edwards Bridge replacement at the current height. It will likely be built upstream of the current structure. Discussions are underway with a marina which may be slightly impacted by the new structure.


The peak Sumner tunnel traffic is between 0730 and 0830.


The CG (Tom Petrillo) will be performing a hurricane preparedness exercise on 7 August.


There is a meeting on the Sea Installer on 19 July. This is the vessel that will install offshore wind turbines, etc. and will operate out of Salem harbor.


Marine Events:


The Boston Light Swim will be held on 19 August between 0800 and 1300. Approximately 30 swimmers are expected to participate along with many escort vessels. Please stay well clear at all times.


The Sharkfest Swim between Boston and East Boston will be held in September 23 rd between 1100 and 1230 and WILL cross the channel.


The USS Constitution will turn around on 4 August and 15 September.





Averaging 5 vessel calls per week.


July is operating at 99% capacity.


Three ships have carried 11,000 passengers.





Will be holding a general meeting on 28 July at the Boston Marine Society. 





Phishing continues to be the most prevalent means of compromising computers. Do not open attachments from people you do not know!





Traffic is flowing well.





There were 59 vessels requiring pilots in June.


YTD there have been 414 versus 306 last year-an increase of 35%!


Most are new, larger, container ships.



646 Quincy Shore Drive, PO Box 67, Quincy, MA 02170. |  617.770.4811