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 SYC Store

HomeVisiting YC Members

The Squantum Yacht Club Welcomes Visitors from Yacht Clubs affiliated with MBYSA, MBSA, QBRWA and Yacht Clubs of America.

Location: The club is located on the water off of Quincy Shore Drive near Squantum.
42 16.771 N  71 0.827 W
Launch: Daily, in season. Launch Hours posted on web site. Hail the launch, "Squantum Launch" on VHF channel 68.  Launch service is generally not available around low tides.
Floats/Docks Float/Dock access is only possible when there is sufficient water.  At mean low tide there is under 1-1/2 feet of water.
Ice: Available at the dock.
Moorings: Moorings are each member's own responsibility and as such, the club has no authority to offer a guest mooring. Make arrangements directly with the member for use of their mooring.  The club may provide member contact information for possible available moorings.
Clubhouse: TAP Hours posted on Web Site.  Bar menu available when Tap is open.
Facilities: 2 ton hoist
Parking: On Quincy Shore Drive per signage.


646 Quincy Shore Drive, PO Box 67, Quincy, MA 02170. |  617.770.4811