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 Burgee2 - White w/Transparent Background SQUANTUM YACHT CLUB
42°16'46.488" N | 71°0'50.364" W
 SYC Store



Click the link with the arrow to contribute to the specified fund. If recurring donations have been set up for a fund, a "Schedule Donation" link will appear for that fund. Click the Schedule Donation link to make a recurring donation.
The 5-Year Fund provides funding for major projects that are beyond the scope of the general operating budgets. These funds are used for the maintenance of the facility and various capital projects. Examples of recent projects:Main entry rampFurniture in the TapFurniture on the main DeckReplacement of windowsMotors for the launchesetc.While the initiation fee and annual fees go into this fund. Many of the needs go beyond this revenue stream.
US$0.00 received toward our goal of US$100,000.00
The General Fund is the main operating Fund for the Club. Donations, especially from October through March when there is no income assist to pay for insurance, utilities, taxes, fees and repairs in preparation for the opening of the club in May.
The Regatta fund is established to help defray costs for the Lipton Cup. Any excess funds are to be used to allow for the purchase of race committee boats.
Donations to sailing program to purchase floats, boats, other equipment and offset the costs of instruction.SAILING PROGRAM UPDATEAs mentioned in the recent SYC Newsletter, the sailing program is gearing up for a great summer. The program rebuilding effort that began in 2019 continues, largely in part due to the donations made by generous patrons. Many of the funds received have gone towards purchasing Optis, Club 420's, and the dock expansion.In order to continue our work, we are reaching out to all members to consider making a donation of any amount. Please read our Sailing Program Fundraising Letter which provides additional information about the program and our fundraising efforts.

646 Quincy Shore Drive, PO Box 67, Quincy, MA 02170. |  617.770.4811